


        Since 2011 studying IT, I was approved in UFMG at first, where I studyied until 2013. After a few years working as a administrative assistant, I finally got back studying, and in 2016 I joined the computer science course on UNIFOR-MG, where I bacame graduated in the end of 2019. I did some jobs as a freelancer and kept working with web applications in a local company SIGLA, where I started as an intern in 2019, and now I work as freelancer as well. I currently work with simple pages (sites), web applications with management purposes, besides some more jobs.

Get my curriculum
Experiences/study table
Tecnology Time
Node.js/Express 1 year
PHP 2 years
HTML/CSS 5 years
JavaScript 5 years
C/C++ 10 years
Bootstrap 2 years
Java 4 anos
MySQL 5 years
Adobe Photoshop 11 years
Arquitetura REST 1 year
Padrão MVC 3 years
SCRUM 2 years
GitHub 2 years
Python 1 year
Web Scraping/Scrapy 6 months



        Your company with its own exclusive online adress! Choose layouts you like as an inspiration and get closer to your customers, show them your services, your products and earn their confidence! Use your page as a strong ally to your social medias, and make them to be directly connected. This significative slice of your company presence on web can be the most informative and complete, without any risk of end up submitting spam to your client. Use all resources you can to take the greatest results from your online marketing. Advertise your services, your products, show its quality, clarify customers common doubts, inform about all contact services, and finally: direct the customer to the pusharse. Be creative, web pages has immeasurable resources.

Sigla Systems

Presentation page developed for SIGLA company, that works with management and logistics systems resale.

Developed in may 2020

click to visit

Presentation page developed for COMAVE, a company that works with precision scales and crane truck rent.

Developed in july 2020

click to visit

Web Applications

        Web applications are more complex than web pages, so they require a little more investment. However, its funcionalities are far beyond the marketing. They can improve a company management, organize their routines and tasks, saving up manpower, speeding up tasks and services, resulting in organization, optimization and control.
        We can see some of the web applications capabilities in these two examples above. In the first one, the customer needed a tool where he could divide tasks and set them to his employees. A kanban has been built, where a user with the due privilege can move tasks between columns, set tasks to common users, witch can move it by themselves once it was assigned to them. It was fully built according to client specifications.
        The second example was developed to deal with inventory control and orders management. In this application, for every order, my customer needed a content declaration to be automatically generated and filled, because it's an item required by Correios, a shipping brazilian company. The company employee that before needed to fill about 100 documents per day, can now just print and sign them, making the process easier, simpler and cheaper.

Product catalog

        Transform your products into a catalog (online or printed). We can take care of everything, since take photos (if there is a possibility to get a sample) until image editing, design the page layout, develop a cover and everything else you need to build a perfect catalog. My last product catalog job is right below, developed for the Mega Mix Company.

Your browser doesn't have support to PDF files, but you can download the catalog here.


        Illustrate your product or service in a very dynamic way to get your customers attention the most. You can use the result on your site, social media, direct messages, e-mails and others.
        Services can be sold by group or apart, according to each requirement, and values will be negotiated according to it's peculiarities. However, if you want to see some of the default plans, you can just access it's session, and if you like a budget better, you can also make me contact.


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Plano web 1

Funcionalidade 1

Funcionalidade 2

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Plano web 2

Funcionalidade 1

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Aplicacao web

Funcionalidade 1

Funcionalidade 2

Funcionalidade 3